
Probably not a name you’re familiar with, but you will have seen lots of these in June hedgerows as you drive down country roads. They are a large family of plants, many suitable for your garden. Umbellifers are flowering plants in the Apiaceae or celery, carrot & parsley family. Their name comes from the Latin, umbella,…… Continue reading Umbellifers


Ornamental Alliums. In my opinion, a plant every garden should have. Five minutes of effort will give you many years of reward. Alliums are a large collection of bulbous flowering plants including Onions, Shallots, Chives, Leeks and Garlic. Indeed Allium in Latin means Garlic and also in Greek ἀλέω (aleo) means to avoid, presumably due…… Continue reading Alliums


Among the glories of late spring, Wisteria produce spectacular cascades of long fragrant flowers. But be aware of exactly what you’re taking on. Wisteria is a group of deciduous vines, producing long scented flowers in May & June. It looks spectacular when grow on the side of buildings and I’m sure we’ve all looked at…… Continue reading Wisteria